Saturday, February 13, 2010

Feelin' Abstract

It's a rare day out that I don't spend at least part of my time focusing on abstract details.. sometimes just to kill time while waiting on the light, or sometimes because I find some genuinely interesting subjects. Much of it turns out to be junk of course, but every once in a while I snag one that looks just right somehow, at least to my eye. Very much a matter of personal taste; some people find the "picture" in this pure shape/color/texture and others don't react to it at all, but Mother Nature is an abstract expressionist, for sure.


J. Evan Kreider said...

This is a wonderful collection of colours, buttressed by the excellent 'flow' of the geometry within the photo itself. It reminds me that I need to remember to get closer to more of my subjects. This scene might also welcome some macro photography. I especially appreciate the hues of your brown/oranges and the wide variety of intensities of your blues.

The Retired One said...

This reminds me of looking down from outer space at the earth...wonderful shot!

Michelle B. Hendry said...

A real winner... beautiful!

Gaelyn said...

I love looking at both the big and small in nature. Mark, your photos are always magnificent.

Joanne Olivieri said...

LOVE this. It almost looks like new found gems from an archeological dig. Very cool.

Amy Lilley Designs said...

It REALLY is a beautiful composition...I'm very comfortable w/ abstract...yet, it's natures gift to one w/ a gifted eye...:)))

kyungmee said...

Hi! I have not visited in some time..amazing images!! I love this one also..wonderful textures, designs and colors expressed!

Toodles said...

Love it!