Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cold Blue Cold

Another manzanita bush; but this one ended up a bit "under the weather":)...
Yeah, it can be uncomfortable to get up early in the morning after a snowy night, or stand around trying to frame and shoot while your hands are freezing, but fresh snow is such a great subject for minimal, stark, white-on-white images. Something I've been wanting to work on for a long time, but just wasn't in the right place.  Cloudy days are ideal, so you have more flexibility of time to work... and, color or monochrome seem to work equally well. This shot looked fine in pure monochrome, but I decided to leave it in color for now; I think it feels right with the cold blue cast in the shadows to emphasize the feeling.
This will be the first winter in many years that I am actually living where it snows, so I am hoping to put together a nice, unified folio of winter images this season.


sandy petals said...

Wow, that is an amazing photo.

Gaelyn said...

Oh yea, that image definitely evokes a feeling of cold. You can have all that white stuff. I'll just enjoy looking at it through your lens.

Unknown said...

I would not have recognized the manzanita here :)

Looks like we are experimenting the same kind of winter.
After the big cold and snow falls of the past weeks, we had huge rain and elevated temperatures so photographic conditions are now really less exciting.

Carolyn Ford said...

That is beautiful with that blue! I can't wait to see LOTS more in the days ahead!

Unknown said...

This is a lovely image. Well done!

Puneet Mirg said...

Nice Click ..Great

HolidayTrees said...

You have some great photos! This particular one will look creepy in black and white :-)

Ashrays said...

worth the caul feet i'd say!