Looks Like Winter, but..
..it's not. And, it's not Bryce Canyon either, for those who might think so. This is Cedar Breaks, similar to Bryce with it's characteristic red rock hoodoos and high country forest, but quite a bit smaller, although still huge and impressive by most standards. This is a single, large amphitheater carved out of the side of a mountain, about (I'm guessing here without checking the map) 60-70 miles west of Bryce and a bit north of Zion. It may look like a winter scene, but I actually shot this on October 1 of last year, during my annual "foliage hunt". The east side of the mountain is covered with aspen groves and lava fields that run 30 miles or so from here on the rim at 10,500 ft., down towards the Red Canyon and Bryce areas at somewhat lower elevation. You can see a bit of foliage if you look towards the top center of the frame. The day before this, I drove along the rim in near white-out blizzard conditions, and would not have gone considerably out of my way to get back here on my way home, except that I knew it had to be really beautiful after the fresh snow. Without the snow, this would probably be a pretty boring "viewpoint" shot, but I like the way the white creates a nice design against the darker shapes of the rocks and forest. The one open slope there in the middle was catching a bit of sunlight on an otherwise cloudy day.
I haven't been doing this, but for this post you can click the image for a LARGE view and enjoy the detail and textures in all their glory.
Your photo is absolutely lovely. It is so different there than our more bucolic Vermont scenery. I love the ruggedness and the beauty of the rocks with the snow.
Looks like the trees are growing out of a rock slab from here - like morning stubble... Love the gradation of colors - makes you wonder about all the time that passed, in the making of the mountain.
Beautiful shot mark. Like the contrast between the rocks and the snow and the greens. Looks like two different worlds apart.
Thank you for letting us have a "big" picture too. Another stunning photo from your brilliant eye!!
Your work is just incredible. You are one if not the best photographers currently that I have found through EC!!
Snow and desert arid landscape are a very great combination for photography.
I envy this perspective and view
again, another stunning photography, i am learning a lot from you as where to go :)now if i only have a lot of time :(
thanks a lot for sharing. i love the contrast of the snow against the carved rocks. Yes, looks like Bryce Canyon. Have never been to Cedar Break.
Thanks everyone..
Mountain Woman: Yes, the landscape out here couldn't be more different, and we have so much variety. Just a bit east of where I live, as you drive up into the hills, it gets very green in the late winter/early spring and you might think you were back home if you didn't look too closely at the trees. I sometimes miss New England, but I have come to love the huge spaces and openness out here.
Deb: It is pretty amazing the trees can survive in that environment, growing right out of the rock it seems. The variety of colors around there is endless, especially in the fall.
Jackie & TT: So glad you enjoy my work. Jackie, I have to bow down to your blogging skills.. how do you find the time to do so much stuff on 2 blogs and still visit everybody?
Ron: Thank you and welcome.
James: Thanks. Yes, great combination and not that common either. I guess this southwest area is really blessed to be so photogenic.
Betchai: Know what you mean about the time.. some of these places are so remote and hard to get to.. I really have to plan carefully in most cases before I go. Wish I had 3 or 4 months with no other obligations to just drive around and shoot, but don't know if that's ever going to happen.
Thank's for the large view Mark it's stunning ! This image has a strong adventure smell.
very nice picture. The mixture between the whites with the sharp rocks gives a very nice aspect. Where is this place exactly??
Hi Patrick; I realized that on some of these it might be really fun to fill the screen and see all the details, so I'll do that when I think it's appropriate. I know that you always post a large version on your site and that kind of tempted me to try it.
Hey Dario: Thanks..This is in southwestern Utah. Search "Cedar Breaks National Monument" in Google Earth and you'll fly right to it! I have more of the area that I'll post in the future.
The enlargement shows all the exquisite detail! You're right about the snow--it's the perfect counterpoint to the mass of the red rock. So many variations in here, one can look for awhile and not get bored. Lots of nature's elements to take in.
Mind if I ask you how you linked to the enlargement, Mark?
You do exquisite photography!!
PS - This shot reminds me of the area between Sedona and Flagstaff. I've never been to Utah! Of course, now I want to go!
Lynda: Thanks a lot. You are right.. very similar to the Sedona area. In fact, Sedona makes a great jumping-off point for a tour of the region. The Grand Canyon is a couple of hours north, then Lake Powell and all of southern Utah are not too much further. Ahh... don't get me started!
Regarding the image posting, just size it to a good viewing size, (1000-1200 pixels wide seems good, can be whatever you're comfortable with) and then choose the "upload from your computer" option in the image upload dialog. It then goes to your Picasa account (automatically have one of you use Blogger) at the full resolution, you pick the size of your small preview for the posting and then voila! Click and it goes to the full size version. You've probably been doing like I usually do, which is to just insert an HTML link to your image that resides in a permanent gallery somewhere else. In that case it just shows up in the posting at whatever size you linked to. Hope that is clear.. let me know if not.
MARK - YAY! Thank you! You have provided me with another option that I've been missing.
Many of my images, particularly paintings but also some photos, are very active, busy, detailed--however you want to say it--and don't present well in a tiny format.
Now I'm going to be manic! :)
Thanks again.
Stunning shot there Mark not to mention a stunning location.
The clicking to large helped with the detail ie the splash of yellow on the trees in the BG.
I'm always in a quandary whether to keep the clicking to large or do what you do. Large makes it easier for folk to nick your stuff :( even at low res.
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