After more than the usual amount of research and writing for my last post, I hope no one minds if I keep it short and simple for a few days. This scene is shot from the Whitney Portal road (leads to the main trailhead for climbing Mt. Whitney), looking north towards Bishop and across Owens Valley. The edge of the Sierras are seen on the left and the White Mountains are on the right, (eastward) towards Nevada. It was a winter day as you can probably tell, though no snow was on the ground down in the valley. This road however, was closed due to snow and ice from the point where I took this. One brave solo backpacker was planning to climb the mountain alone and was trying to convince someone to give him a ride to the normal end of the road, which would have saved several extra miles of hiking, but after walking up the road a bit and seeing the conditions, I had to politely decline. He convinced someone else to try, but they were only gone a few minutes before coming back down, so I don't think he got much help.
Please click on the image for a larger view and be sure to check out lots and lots of other SkyWatch Friday No. 44 links at their home page.
Yes we do mind the last article was very interesting... well ok we'll let you off this time :)
Excellent shot once more,! we don't have such wide/vast open spaces here not only that surrounded by wonderful mountains just not fair :)
Wonderful information for a beautiful photo!! The country around there is really gorgeous! Your blog header makes me long to take a hike down that road. Thanks for sharing!
I don't know, Mook.. I've seen some pretty spectacular scenery images from Scotland (your seascapes among them). The mountains aren't as big I suppose, but still beautiful. Do I need to come over there and show you where to look?:)
Great shot Mark, thanks for sharing.
Very nice... there's so much movement in this photo! I also love your blog title photo! ~Maria
it is just amazingly beautiful!!
takes my breath away - and then to click and enlarge it! What details!
I know I'm supposed to be looking at the sky, which is, of course, gorgeous, but that landscape is pretty awesome too. How beautiful.
Beautiful image with your high standard. The composition is done to perfection with a touch of serenity
love the angular contrasts
Dramatically striking photo. Gorgeous color contrast.
Quite beautiful! The shadows & lighting is impressive
Beautiful !!!
It looks like a painting..
Great shot with a lovely sky.
It is a beautiful shot. I am glad to stop by your blog. We will be driving to Mammoth this long weekend and it will be our first to visit. I hope it will be as scenic as you have posted.
Mark, this shot makes me want to go on the road just to see something like this vast sky, in person, once again...our country is so beautiful...another gem of a shot...:))have a great weekend!
Like Holly says, awesome landscape and a very beautiful photograph
This one really deserves the large view. You kept the delicate tones of the sky and the contrast on the land adds to the rough aspect of this wild place.
What an awesome shot.The large image really puts it in to perspective.I do a lot of hiking and I have to say that hiker is a little touched.You should never do it alone,to many things could go wrong.Buddy up is the smart way.Just remember the hiker who had to remove his own arm to survive.He was experienced but did it alone.
Great shot and I look forward to your next ones.
Thanks to everybody for looking and commenting on this one. I almost passed it over at first because it is deceptively simple, but it has become a favorite of mine.
Mark, I'm posting my response to you here as well, because I don't know if you subscribe to follow-up comments.
Indeed, it is New England. Maine, to be more specific.
I know you said you lived over this way but i don't remember where, or if you told me that.
You would have LOVED the symphony of peepers we heard the other night. Beautiful and at the same time otherworldly, and complex beyond comprehension. Eventually, I'll do a post on it, with a recording.
My favorite thing is riding around country roads looking at barns and outbuildings, finding antiquities and marvelous beautiful places that are slightly off the beaten track. I know you like doing that too, albeit in a different region, at this juncture in your life.
I've always loved writing, and did quite a bit of fiction in earlier years, but finally put it away for art. Blogging IS perfect for cojoining photos and writing. We are lucky to have discovered it.
I think that people who don't blog, don't understand this!
I can feel the expanse, the sweep of the cold wind, and the exhilaration of the great open spaces.
A beauty of a panorama, Mark!!!
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