Thursday, November 1, 2012

SkyWatch: Twilight Panorama

More from the Valley of Fire in Nevada: I spent the late afternoon shooting out in the area of the formations that you can see in the center of this view.. This was well after sunset and I was actually heading out to find a place to stay when I saw this gorgeous twilight sky out of the corner of my eye and just had to pull over and try to shoot a quick panorama.  Luckily I left my digital camera on it's tripod across the back seat of the car, rather than put it all away in the pack (I've learned NOT to do that:), so I was able to run out and make 5 vertical shots at 15 seconds each, which I have stitched together here.
Visit the SkyWatch home page each weekend for more great skies from all over the world.


Tina´s PicStory said...

what a great shot! :)

Juliana said...

Interesting place!

xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :) | PJ’ Ecoproject

eileeninmd said...

What a pretty scene, love the colors! A great capture. Happy skywatching!

Unknown said...

A beautiful shot! I can see why they call it Valley of Fir.
Love the sights of Nevada, when we were driving through there this year to get to Bryce Canyon and Zion Nat. park.

Gaelyn said...

Sweet view. I love to take panos.

joy said...

Nice view and shot. A place worth visiting:)

Light and Voices said...

Joyce M

Anonymous said...

Excellent snap taken at dust time, the desert and the shrubs down the sky, defines the nature, which gives it a gorgeous look.

Calvin Klein bottoms up